Friday 19 March 2010

National Orthodontic Week

Look out for lots of news about orthodontics next week as the first National Orthodontic Week is celebrated. The idea is to raise awareness of orthodontics and what it involves.

At Wetherby Orthodontics we are holding a full day event. During the day on Thursday 25th March there is the opportunity for a free initial assessment for either adults or children (only a few spaces left!). In the evening from 5.30-7.30 we are holding an open evening where you can come and see the practice, meet the team and find out more about orthodontics. I will be giving a 10-minute talk at 6pm and 7pm. We are holding a free draw all week to win an iPod Touch, open to any visitors to Wetherby Orthodontics during the week and it will be drawn at the open evening. (if you're not booked in for an appointment feel free to call in to take part).

If you would like a free assessment or to attend the open evening please call us on 01937 580510.


Pamela Waterman said...

I just saw that you are celebrating National Orthodontic Week in the UK. I hope your open house went well, and that many other people become aware of the benefits of orthodonture for all ages. My three teens had braces, my mother was a pioneer for adult braces at age 68 back in the early 90s, and I had adult braces two years ago at age 52 to correct a gap that opened. (I wonder if you could start an ad campaign with a photo of a Tube station with one the "Mind the Gap" signs....) It has indeed been great to see the improvements in "modern" orthodontics, as I well remember the full-metal bands of my own teenage treatment. Anyhow, I've learned a great deal about tips and hints and soft-food cooking. I can recommend the Q&A forum at, a website for adults in braces, and I also have resources on my own web pages at

Megan said...

Thanks for your comment Pamela, its lovely to hear a success story and I have many patients of your age group. Archwired is already linked on our webpage.