Monday 16 February 2009

Dentistry in the news

I can't really let this week pass without commenting on three stories that have caught my attention and its only Monday so far!

Girl with dentist fear starves to death
An eight-year old girl died in 2005 from starving herself due to a fear of dentists and dental problems. Its a truly shocking story and one which I hope will never be repeated.

What's in your mouth?
I have just watched this TV programme about mercury in dental fillings. There's a lot to say on this so I will comment in a separate blog post.

Dentist accused of murder

I have just returned from a weekend in Northern Ireland where this story is front page news. A dentist and his ex-lover are accused of the murder of their ex-partners. This happened many years ago and was believed to be suicide until recently. The story becomes more sensational with accusations of sexual assaults by former patients and the possibility of a third murder. A "Harold Shipman" of dentistry? You may hear more of this story as talks are already underway to turn it into a film!

Three sensational news stories which do not really do much to promote dentistry in a positive light, but isn't it the case that bad news spreads faster than good news?

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